With a huge number of seats wins Kier Starmer to be UK's next PMWith a huge number of seats wins Kier Starmer to be UK's next PM
UK General Election result 2024: With a huge number of seats wins Kier Starmer to be UK’s next PM

Finally, after 14 years, Britain came to power by the Labour Party. The Labour Party won 409 of the 650 seats. 

Keir Starmer will be the next Prime Minister of Britain. Britain’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak conceded defeat in thursday’s general election.

According to Britain’s electoral tradition, a party winning 326 of the total 650 seats wins an absolute majority and the head of that party can form the government as prime minister.

Accordingly, the Labour Party will form the government in Bitrain this time. This time the maximum number of candidates is 4 thousand 515 while the maximum number of 98 parties are contesting in the elections.

It may be recalled that Rishi Sunak was the first Indian-origin Prime Minister of Britain. The Conservative Party has so far won 120 seats. 

The Lib Dame Party won 71 seats. The SNP won eight seats while the other parties won 33 seats.

Kier Starmer to be UK’s next PM
Kier Starmer to be UK’s next PM

What the opinion polls revealed in the context of the UK general elections 2024

Labour Party leader Tony Blair, who overthrew Prime Minister John Major in the 1997 vote, will defeat Tony Blair, a bar-tory leader Sunk and stand in front of the ‘Downing Door’.

In the House of Commons, the lower house of the British Parliament, has a total of 650 seats. The absolute majority ‘magic number’ is 326. 

Several media outlets and public opinion polls, including ‘The Guardian’, are about to reach the end of 14 years of Tori rule by getting more than 400 seats in the Labour Party.

Under sunak’s leadership at the age of 44, Conservative Party could go down below 100 and bear the worst results of the century, but there are predictions in various opinion polls. 

Just like a decade ago in India, in the case of congress in the 2014 Lok Sabha vote. Even if Sunak could lose his ‘hard wound’ in North Yorkshire’s Richmond, there are indications of a few surveys!

Some opinion polls are predicted, the Labour Party will get 40 per cent of the vote, Torira Pub 20 per cent and Nigel Faraz-led hardline Reform UK will get 16 per cent votes. 

Indications are that the votes of one-third of the British citizens who voted for the Tories last time are going to get the hard-hitting anti-immigration reform in the UK. 

In other words, reformists are going to do a great disservice to the Tories by cutting votes.

There are indications in various surveys that the seats of the Liberal Democratic Party can also increase by at least three times this time to 40. 

There are about 98 political parties and independents, both small and big, including the Green Party, the Reform Party, the Scottish Nationalist Party.

 History has it that, like India, Britain too has been proven wrong in the past by the results of various opinion polls. 

Like India, multi-party democracy, complex and mixed demography, the ‘tactical vote’ to defeat the main enemy all this makes the projection of electoral results difficult in many ways. 

A total of 4,515 candidates are in the fray in this election in Britain.

Sunak insisted on winning, but even before the vote, he had virtually admitted to the loss of several first-line leaders of his party. 

Ending 14 years of conservative rule in Britain
Ending 14 years of conservative rule in Britain

Former British Minister of State and leader of Indian origin Surela Brewerman commented in a newspaper article on Thursday: “It’s time for us to sit in the opposition seat.

 In the throat of Mel Stryde, the veteran leader of the Tori Party, the secretary of the Work and Pensions Department, the same sunk party.

Public opinion polls indicate that the level of crime in recent times, including a fragile economy, increased costs of living, immigration problems, has increased since the brexit period.

Apart from this, there is also the ‘anti-establishment anger’ towards the Tori leadership, which has been in power for 14 years. 

Besides, the tories’ infighting over the last five years, the impact of the three-time prime ministerial change could also be seen in the vote.

On the other hand, the problem with the labourers may be breaking their non-white vote margins. 

Starmer Gaja has already paved that path in Hamla by expressing its support to Israel and its anti-immigration stance. 

In the last one year, the number of members of the Labour Party has decreased by more than two lakh! Which is about 40 per cent. 

In this case, there are indications of a few surveys that a part of the immigrant vote could go towards the Workers’ Party. 

Although in the end, starmer’s establishment will take control of Westminster by relying on anti-war hawaii, it seems that the majority of the vote scholars think.

Rishi Sunak congratulated Kier Starmer on his successor

Rishi Sunak congratulated Kier Starmer on his successor
Rishi Sunak congratulated Kier Starmer on his successor
The change of power in Britain took place after 14 years. Labour party leader Keir Starmer has become the country’s new prime minister after a landslide victory over the Conservative Party.

Starmer replaces Rishi Sunak, Britain’s first Indian-origin prime minister. There are 650 seats in the House of Commons, the lower house of the British Parliament. 

The absolute majority ‘magic number’ is 326. Till 3:30 pm (Indian time) on Monday, 412 went to Labor, proving the exit poll true. 

The Tories won 121 and others 115. The results of two seats are yet to be declared. As soon as the results became clear, Sunak congratulated Starmer, who would be his successor.

 He then went to Buckingham Palace and announced his resignation from the post of Prime Minister after informing King Charles III of the vote. 

After that, he returned to 10 Downing Street, the residence of the British Prime Minister, and gave a farewell speech.

Starmer, the leader of the winning party, went to Buckingham at the time to formally invite the king to form a government. 

He then spoke in front of the black door of Downing Street with ’10’ written on it. The Labor leader, a lawyer by profession, said, “From today, the turn of change has started in the country. ’’

Changed the Labour Party’s position on the Kashmir issue

Keir Starmer’s Labour Party won more than 400 seats, ending 14 years of Conservative rule in Britain. Indian-origin Conservative leader Rishi Sunak has lost his post as Prime Minister.

Many believe that the change in the party’s perception on the Kashmir issue has played a major role in the rise of the Labor Party and that change is Starmer.

At one time, the Labor Party’s relationship with India was good. But when Jeremy Corbyn was at the helm of the Labor Party, the relationship was strained. 

Jeremy’s critical attitude towards India increased the distance with the Labour Party. The British government never wanted to interfere in the Kashmir issue. Jeremy’s position there puts the Labour Party in danger.

In 2019, the Jeremy-led Labour Party passed a resolution. It was a matter of international observers intervening in the Kashmir issue. 

Which did not go down well with the Indian government. New Delhi condemned the proposal and issued a statement saying the Labour Party was discussing such a proposal “in the interest of vote bank”. 

At that time, the British government made it clear that the Kashmir issue was a bilateral matter between India and Pakistan. Britain is not willing to interfere.

The Labour Conference was held in September 2019. There was a controversial issue related to Kashmir. 

On Kashmir, the resolution stated that the Labour Party would work in the international arena to end conflicts in the government sector. 

This will be possible only when India and Pakistan unite and speak up for the workers of Kashmir. Even the Labor Party leadership raised the tone that human rights were being violated there.

Labour party Kier Starmer has become UK PM
Labour party Kier Starmer has become UK PM

Starmer won the Labour Party leadership vote in 2020 after Jeremy stepped down. After that, the team came into his hands. 

Starmer took charge of the Labour Party and changed the party’s position on the Kashmir issue. Starmer increased contacts with the Indian diaspora in Britain. 

His speeches have repeatedly talked about building a strong relationship with India on the basis of global security, climate protection and economic security.

Speaking to the Indian diaspora, Starmer has repeatedly acknowledged that Kashmir is a bilateral issue. Both India and Pakistan will solve this problem together.

 The Labour Party will not interfere in any way. According to diplomatic circles, India plays an important role on the international stage.

 Starmer understood that one of the goals would be to accelerate Britain’s relationship with India after the formation of a new government there.

Labour Party wins over 400 seats in Britain! Rishi Sunak ‘saddened’ by disaster

All eyes were on Britain on Friday morning. Will there be a change of government or will the Conservative Party (Tory) return to power?

That question was swirling. As time has progressed, the shift has become heavier. After 14 years, the Labour Party is back in Britain. 

Not only did they win, they won more than 400 seats. No team has crossed 400 in Britain since 2001.

This is the first time since 1945 that Britain has voted in July. A total of 4,515 candidates contested the election. Voting began at 7 am local time (12:30 pm in India) on Thursday.

 It runs until 10 p.m. Then the counting began. The results of the election started coming out on Friday morning. In the end, it was seen that the Labor Party won Britain by winning more than 400 seats.

The fight was between the two main rivals, the Labour Party and the Conservative Party (Tories). 

The Labour Party was led by Kaer Starmer and the Conservative Party was led by Sunak. From the beginning of the voting phase, the wind was in the direction of change.

 Various public surveys have indicated that the British people do not want Sunak as Prime Minister again. They have lost faith in Sunak, who is of Indian origin.

In the 2019 vote, the Labour Party raised hope, but the people of Britain voted in favor of the Conservative Party. The Conservative Party won 365 seats.

 The Labour Party had 203 seats. There was a huge response to the campaign in favor of the Conservative Party and in favor of Brexit. 

They conquered Britain with the slogan ‘Get Brexit Right’. Boris Johnson became Prime Minister. But he could not spend more than two and a half years in the official residence of 10 Downing Street.

He resigned as prime minister in July 2022 following infighting within the party and allegations of setting up a banquet in violation of Covid protocols.

 Rishi became the country’s prime minister at the end of Liz Truss’s 49-day premiership.

Two years later, Rishi faced a national election. During his reign, many things were against the sage. 

There was ‘anti-establishment anger’ against the leadership of the Conservative Party, which has been in power for 14 years.

 Not only that, but the biggest problems of the Conservative government are the economy, health care and immigration.

Rishi Sunak former Prime Minister of british
Rishi Sunak former Prime Minister of british

 Rishi Sunak’s government has been fed up with Rishi Sunak’s government over the recent rise in crime, including a fragile economy, rising living costs, and immigration problems since the post-Brexit era. That affected the ballot box.

The Liberal Democrats did well in this year’s vote. Last time they got only 11 seats. In 2024, the same party won more than 70 seats. 

Nigel Farage’s hardline Reform UK also got off to a good start as a new party. They won four seats. Needless to say, the Liberals have played a major role in cutting the Conservative vote.

Starmer replaces Rishi. As soon as the results became clear, Sunak congratulated Starmer, who would be his successor. 

Sunak then went to Buckingham Palace to announce the results of the vote to King Charles III. After that, he returned to 10 Downing Street, the residence of the British Prime Minister, and gave a farewell speech.

 Rishi conceded defeat before the full results were out. “The Labour Party won the general election,” Sunak told the party’s supporters. 

I called Keir Starmer and congratulated him on this win. There will be a peaceful transfer of power today. He added: “I’m sorry. I take responsibility for this defeat. ”

On the other hand, Starmer went to Buckingham Palace and met King Charles III. He talked about forming a government. 

He then spoke in front of the black door of Downing Street with ’10’ written on it. The Labor leader, a lawyer by profession, said, “From today, the turn of change has started in the country. ’’

Some international observers believe that Starmer’s future will not be easy even if the government is formed.

 According to them, the main task of Labor is to boost the country’s economy. Child poverty in Britain is at its peak. Dependence on food banks is increasing. 

NHS services have also been an important issue in Britain’s vote. And there are income tax thorns.

7 facts about UK PM Keir Starmer’s life struggle

Britain was ready for change. After that, the election is over. Keir Starmer has become Britain’s new Prime Minister after defeating Rishi Sunak’s Conservative Party by a huge margin.

Starmer, a 61-year-old human rights lawyer, was confident from the start. “Voters are ready for change,” Starmer said after the poll results became public.

about UK PM Keir Starmer’s life struggle
about UK PM Keir Starmer’s life struggle

 Starmer won the Holborn and St Pancras seat in London by more than 18,000 votes. “Change starts right now,” Starmer said, thanking voters for his victory.

 Because it is your democracy. Your territory and your future. You voted for us. This time it’s our turn to keep your faces. Repaying your trust. Let’s know some interesting facts about this Hen Starmer.

1. The Keir was born on 2 September 1962 into a poor family in London. My sick mother is bedridden at home.

Even though they lived in the same house, my father did not keep in touch with them. Many times, when talking about the family, Keir has introduced himself as the son of a working man. 

His mother was a nurse by profession. My father made wooden furniture. His childhood was spent in great difficulty.

2. The Keir was a human rights lawyer before entering politics. Began working as a public prosecutor. As director of public prosecutions, Starmer oversaw high-profile cases, including ministerial expenses and phone hacking scandals.

3. The Keir is married and has two children. He spends the weekend with his family. He emphasizes balancing work and personal life. He’s so hilarious. Love to spend time with friends. Keir is extremely loyal and loyal to his friends.

4. Keir is a fan of football. His affinity with British culture proves his passion for football. He is an Arsenal fan

5. In the transition from law to politics, Starmer’s leadership style blends legal precision with political strategy. He is often criticized for changing positions and lacking charisma. However, supporters praised his management style.

6. The Keir focused on bringing the party back to centre field after the term of Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, elected in 2020.

 In 2015 he was elected as a Member of Parliament, representing a seat in north London, which is close to the left. He received a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II but rarely uses ‘Sir’.

Keir is a fan of football
Keir is a fan of football

7. Keir is extremely pragmatic. He believes, “Country first, party later.” He also said that personal problems can never be jumped for ten. Keir is in favour of solving his own problems before surrendering to any organization.

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